Substitute packaged bread crumbs for processed crumbs from bread
Dude, you have some serious issues. Take your medication.
Other posts understood that I am searching for the equivalent measure
of breadcrumbs to replace
3 slices of standard bread.
The recipe if for meatloaf.
On Jul 20, 6:14*pm, Sheldon > wrote:
> techman41 wrote:
> > Often in a recipe, it calls for breadcrumbs made with a food processor
> > from 1-3 slices of bread.
> > Does anyone know the direct substitution if I want to use packaged
> > breadcrumbs instead?
> > Thanks
> DUH *It's 1-3 slices of bread... how technical is that, techman...
> what kind of bread, what size slices, how thick ya tawkin'... DUH
> If you need to measure bread crumbs you shouldn't be cooking... if you
> need to count how many sheets of TP to wipe yer butt you need yer
> mommy to change yer nappy, techman. DUH