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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default Oh, Na-a-ancy-y-y

Hungarian Short Ribs are on the stove as I write. From the stove, I'll
let them cool and then stick them in the freezer for a meal when Chris
is home in a month. They are so good!

For newcomers who are not informed about the recipe, here is it, from
Nancy's 11-28-2006 post he

Hungarian Short Ribs
(Nancy Young post to r.f.c. 11-28-2006)

€ 4 lbs. beef short ribs
€ 2 medium onions sliced
€ 1 15-ounce can tomato sauce
€ 2 cups water
€ 1/4 cup packed brown sugar
€ 1/4 cup vinegar
€ 1-1/2 teaspoons salt
€ 1-1/2 teaspoons dry mustard
€ 1-1/2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
€ 1/4 teaspoon paprika *
€ 6 ounces medium noodles

Cut ribs into serving size pieces; trim excess fat.
In Dutch oven, brown ribs on all sides. Add onions. Blend
together tomato sauce, ONE cup of the water, brown sugar,
vinegar, etc etc through the paprika; pour over meat. Cover and
simmer until meat is almost tender, about 2 hours.

Skim off fat. Stir in noodles and remaining 1 cup water.
Cover and cook, stirring occasionally, till noodles are tender,
20 to 25 minutes more.

I had these once many years ago, I remember I liked them a lot.
From Better Homes and Gardens All-Time Favorite Beef Recipes.

My question is this. What do you think of the noodle routine. Does it
seem there will be enough liquid to cook them? I'm heading out to get
egg noodles.


* I use at least a big teaspoon of paprika. And I serve them with
halushky (made separately) instead of with noodles.

-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ , blahblahblog is back!
" Preserved Fruit Administrator
'Always in a jam. Never in a stew.'" - Evergene