The antipasto platter
On Jul 21, 3:35�pm, Becca > wrote:
> Giusi wrote:
> > They are reluctant to touch their food. �Even a little bar sandwich snack is
> > wrapped in two napkins to eat. �The first time I served cheeseburgers they
> > were disassembled into parts and eaten with fork and knife. �I think it is
> > considered childish and a far la brutta figura to use the hands.
> My mother never allowed us children to eat with our hands. We had to use
> utensils, if we wanted to eat. Her mother was the same way, and she was
> French. �I wondered where this came from. �It is still difficult for me
> to eat foods like hot dogs or pizza, without using a fork.
> Becca
think about a bowl of fruit on the tabel, and cut up and eaten at the
end of a meal. Very adeptly too. Sometime dipped into a bowl of water,
also using utensils too.