Thread: Potato salad...
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aem aem is offline
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Default Potato salad...

On Jul 21, 2:52*pm, "For example: John Smith" >
> ..... I dislike "southern" potato salad and
> .....the Boars Head brand ....and they [Publix] make about a half dozen different
> kinds and none of them do it for me either. I am looking for a good recipe
> for chunky, creamy, skin off potato salad with no mustard and plenty of hard
> boiled eggs like you get in the deli's up north. I've tried several recipes
> that I found on the internet but no luck and I really do not want to try to
> make a dozen recpies until I find the right one. So if anybody can help me
> out I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
> P.S. If anybody has been to the BBQ restaurant "Red Hot & Blue", that is the
> type of recipe I am looking for. Thanks again.

People will give you their favorite versions but how you will know
they aren't like all the versions you dislike I don't know because you
don't say what you don't like about them.

I'm surprised at the absence of vinegar in the recipes already given.
For me, it's not only an essential ingredient but should be put onto
the potatoes while they're still hot, along with salt, so it becomes
the flavor base. Since you're omitting mustard I'd think that was
even more important.

My current version starts with the vinegar (white, or rice wine, or
champagne) and salt and then adds just mayo and a little bit of sour
cream, ground black pepper, paprika (not smoked), and crushed
coriander seed. Sometimes lemon juice if tasting seems to call for
it. Additions are a lot of scallions, a bit of celery, some boiled
eggs. Bacon is very optional. After being gently tossed to combine,
it needs to be refrigerated for a couple of hours. Hot sauce is passed
at the table. -aem