Turning 50 Years Old
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Posts: 1,101
Age Regression, was: Turning 50 Years Old
In article >,
> George Shirley wrote:
> > If you could regress your age what would you like? For me it would be my
> > thirties, heavily involved in family, kids turning into teens, going to
> > college (me) for the first time, healthy, good eyesight, lots of friends
> > and family in the neighborhood. It was a good time. Of course most of
> > the times since have also been good but that era seems to stick in the
> > mind for some reason.
> Yes. thirties were pretty nice. Safe, social, secure.
> I have another question: How old do you feel in your mind? Much of the
> time I think I have never gotten beyond 18-21 and it's a shock when I
> look in the mirror or feel the creaky-ness when I get up from a chair.
> gloria p
I'm only 43 years old but there are the infrequent days when I feel like
I should be 243 and then most of the time I feel like I'm mid 20's.
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