Thread: Potato salad...
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KW[_1_] KW[_1_] is offline
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Default Potato salad...

"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article <Fy7hk.188$GI.161@trnddc05>,
> "For example: John Smith" > wrote:
>> I am originally from New Jersey but I live in Florida now and I cannot
>> find
>> decent potato salad within 1000 miles. I dislike "southern" potato salad
>> and
>> all the deli's around sell the Boars Head brand or whatever brand of meat
>> they sell and it just doesn't do it for me. Also, Publix is the getter
>> supermarket around where I live and they make about a half dozen
>> different
>> kinds and none of them do it for me either. I am looking for a good
>> recipe
>> for chunky, creamy, skin off potato salad with no mustard and plenty of
>> hard
>> boiled eggs like you get in the deli's up north. I've tried several
>> recipes
>> that I found on the internet but no luck and I really do not want to try
>> to
>> make a dozen recpies until I find the right one. So if anybody can help
>> me
>> out I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
>> P.S. If anybody has been to the BBQ restaurant "Red Hot & Blue", that is
>> the
>> type of recipe I am looking for. Thanks again.

> I've been making this for a few weeks. It's my rendering of a salad
> sold at my local supermarket's deli counter. While it has no eggs in
> it, you could certainly add three or four chopped hard-cooked eggs to
> the mixture before dressing it:
> Steakhouse Potato Salad
> July 2008 < A great salad without the bite of the vinegar in mayo.
> 1/2 teaspoon chicken bouillon granules or base, dissolved in 1
> tablespoon hot water
> 1/4# pound bacon slices, (maybe 4-6)
> 1/3 cup mayonnaise
> 2/3 cup sour cream
> 3 large-ish green onions, sliced
> 8-10 small new red potatoes, boiled until tender, peeled
> Dissolve the chicken base in water and set aside to cool.
> Cut the bacon slices into 1/2" wide pieces and fry slowly until crisp
> but not burned. Drain well and cool.
> While bacon is frying, eighth the potatoes into chunks in a bowl.
> Combine the chicken base, mayo, and sour cream, stirring together until
> smooth. Stir in sliced green onions and crisp bacon pieces; pour over
> potatoes, mix, correct seasoning, and chill for a couple hours before
> serving.
> Serves 4
> Notes: The chicken base is an important component; I wouldn't be too
> surprised if what Cub sells has some cream of chicken soup in it. . .
> Adjust measures as required, but that's about the right ratio of mayo to
> sour cream < think baked potato.
> --
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
> , blahblahblog is back!
> " Preserved Fruit Administrator
> 'Always in a jam. Never in a stew.'" - Evergene


I saw your recipe in that "other" group and made this for our a Youth event
at Church 2 Sundays ago. The only changes I made were the addition of 6
boiled eggs (4 diced as an ingredient and 2 sliced for top dressing) and I
just quartered the taters and left the peeling. In a word........Mahvelous!
Thanks for posting!