Thread: Potato salad...
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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Potato salad...

Becca wrote:
> John Smith wrote:
> > I am originally from New Jersey but I live in Florida now and I cannot find
> > decent potato salad within 1000 miles. I dislike "southern" potato salad.

> My husband is from New York and he has the same complaint. �We have had
> potato salad in several different states, and nobody makes it like the
> deli's in the NY/NJ area. �From what I recall, it is all white, but I am
> not sure what is in it. �It would be nice to find out.

Easy... mostly potatoes of course (never less than five pounds),
always sliced, never diced.

Mayo, Hellman's only (just enough).

Geen/red bell pepper, diced (not much).

Carrot, grated (not much).

Curly leaf parsley, minced (not much).

White vinegar (to taste).

S n' P (to taste).

Nothing else.

I''ve never seen any other ingredients in standard NYC deli potato
salad, nothing... no eggs, no mustard, no pickles, no nothing,
especially no onions.

The real trick to potato salad is in knowing how to cook potatoes to
precisely the correct texture.