Potato salad...
Lou Decruss wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> >On Jul 21, 6:32?pm, Lou Decruss > wrote:
> >> On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 18:22:45 -0400, "kilikini"
> >> > wrote:
> >> >(Oh, and by the way, I'm in agreement with you on "Southern" potato salad.
> >> >It's terrible. ?I, too, live in Florida.)
> >> What makes it "southern"?
> >Onions! �Blech!
> Do you dislike onions or is this like me saying ketchup doesn't belong
> on a hot dog?
> Lou
I love onions, but not in potato salad, actually not in any salad
unless peeled, sliced, and added just before consuming... I don't want
to eat any onions that were peeled and sliced more than five minutes
prior to cooking or consuming raw. When I eat potato salad I want it
to taste of POTATO, not of pickles, eggs or anything else that hides
the flavore of potato, but most especially not to taste and STINK of
fermented onions. The combination of onion and mayo is not
culinarilly acceptable... so at least you admit to being afflicted
with TIAD.
And ketchup doesn't belong on a hot dog, not ever.... in fact the ONLY
thing belongs on a hot dog is mustard and kraut (not mustard or kraut
- mustard AND kraut). But very few these days have ever eaten a hot
dog, I strongly suspect you've never... unless it is a natural casing
product it is NOT a hot dog, no way, no how... it's just a no account
weenie, and with that tube steak crap you can smother it with
whatever, fried cornmeal batter, chili, onion sauce, ketchup,
whatever, anything to hide its crapiness. Hebrew National makes all
beef tube steak but they've never made a hot dog/frankfurter.