Lupine Predator wrote:
> On 18 Jul 2008 04:19:19 GMT, Nick Cramer > wrote:
>> EMOVETHIS wrote:
>>> On 18 Jul 2008 02:54:54 GMT, Nick Cramer >
>>>> Lupine Predator > wrote:
>>>>> On 17 Jul 2008 06:01:02 GMT, Nick Cramer >
>>>>>> EMOVETHIS wrote:
>>>>>>> On 17 Jul 2008 03:41:33 GMT, Nick Cramer >
>>>>>>>> Lupine Predator > wrote:
>>>>>>>>> [ . . . ]
>>>> Asian market near ya?
>>> I doubt they're very thick on the ground in Vermont.
>> Thai Phat, 100 North St., Burlington
>> Andy Thai opened Thai Phat almost 10 years ago around the corner from its
>> current location. He named his Asian market in memory of his grandfather.
>> Thai moved here from Vietnam with his family. He realized a store would
>> help Asian people he knew who had to travel to Boston to pick up their
>> favorite foods. “Also,” he says, “to help out as more American people get
>> to know about Asian food.”
>> Thai’s food comes from everywhere, he says — “Vietnam, Thailand, China,
>> Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Nepal, Indonesia, Africa, all over.” He carries a
>> wide variety, including fresh Asian vegetables.
> Burlington is well over an hour away from me. I'm in the middle of nowhere.
> I can very rarely find real okra in the local food co-op, but it's not a common thing. Most Yankees
> don't even know what an okra is, let alone how to cook one... <BFG>
> --
My wife, when I met her was 40 years old, and had never see an okra.
(Omaha, NE)
Did you say you lived an hour from Burlington?
I lived near Rouses Point, NY as a teenager.
I can remember 70 year old men who had never been as far as Burlington.
Heck I knew a few who had never seen a black man in person. That, with
an Air Force Base in Plattsburg.
Real closed environment there.