I found natural cures for gout un-frugal
notbob wrote:
> On 2008-07-22, Gregory Morrow > wrote:
> > Years ago a doc gave me guidelines for a gout diet, it was, shall we
say, on
> > the "ascetic" side. Virtually *nothing* was allowed...
> Yeah, between several "medical" websites and lists on med kiosks at the
> hospital and kaiser, the only remaining foods allowed are dirt and water.
Yup, on that particular regime I lost about 15 pounds in two months time...
No caffeine, no chocolate, no spicy stuff, no fatty stuff, no booze, even
vegetables and grains were highly restricted, e.g. no whole - grain
products, etc...
Protein - wise I was limited to broiled chicken breast or bacon, kinda "odd"
abou tthe bacon thang...