"Do you think you might find us a better table?"
Giusi wrote on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 20:35:03 +0200:
> I probably wouldn't go to a really high-caliber restaurant at all. If
> it required a bribe, I definitely wouldn't go.
> Cindy Hamilton
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How high caliber can a restaurant be if you have to give someone money
sit in a decent place? There are obviously some testosterone haunted
who feel sure no one will let them sit and eat unless they distribute
dough here and there. I prefer to think that most restaurants are
awaiting my custom, but that I may need to make a reservation if they
very busy places.
If you give a gift of money after receiving service that's a tip. If
give money in hopes of service, that's a bribe. It is clear as glass to
but I have nearly no testosterone.
Let's bring sanity back to dining out. Cindy, just let me know when you
would have gone out but didn't, and I will also not go out in support.
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My sentiments entirely. Bribes downgrade the society in which you live.
I'll admit I've been tempted but never had the nerve to put a $20 bill
behind my driving licence :-)
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: not.jim.silverton.at.verizon.not