Thread: Potato salad...
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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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Default Potato salad...

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 20:24:00 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:

>aem wrote:
>> On Jul 21, 2:52 pm, "For example: John Smith" >
>> wrote:
>>> ..... I dislike "southern" potato salad and
>>> .....the Boars Head brand ....and they [Publix] make about a half dozen different
>>> kinds and none of them do it for me either. I am looking for a good recipe
>>> for chunky, creamy, skin off potato salad with no mustard and plenty of hard
>>> boiled eggs like you get in the deli's up north. I've tried several recipes
>>> that I found on the internet but no luck and I really do not want to try to
>>> make a dozen recpies until I find the right one. So if anybody can help me
>>> out I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
>>> P.S. If anybody has been to the BBQ restaurant "Red Hot & Blue", that is the
>>> type of recipe I am looking for. Thanks again.

>> People will give you their favorite versions but how you will know
>> they aren't like all the versions you dislike I don't know because you
>> don't say what you don't like about them.
>> I'm surprised at the absence of vinegar in the recipes already given.
>> For me, it's not only an essential ingredient but should be put onto
>> the potatoes while they're still hot, along with salt, so it becomes
>> the flavor base. Since you're omitting mustard I'd think that was
>> even more important.
>> My current version starts with the vinegar (white, or rice wine, or
>> champagne) and salt and then adds just mayo and a little bit of sour
>> cream, ground black pepper, paprika (not smoked), and crushed
>> coriander seed. Sometimes lemon juice if tasting seems to call for
>> it. Additions are a lot of scallions, a bit of celery, some boiled
>> eggs. Bacon is very optional. After being gently tossed to combine,
>> it needs to be refrigerated for a couple of hours. Hot sauce is passed
>> at the table. -aem

>Absolutely. The still-hot potatoes need to macerate in something
>tasty--in my case a kind-of French dressing mixture (heavy on the

yep. gotta dress 'em hot. i usually use some salt, olive oil, then
vinegar. then your celery and whatnot, a little grainy mustard and
then a little mayonnaise.

your pal,

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