"Dimitri" wrote:
> "Sheldon" > wrote in message
> ...
> Lou Decruss wrote:
> > Sheldon Â*wrote:
> > >On Jul 21, 6:32?pm, Lou Decruss > wrote:
> > >> On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 18:22:45 -0400, "kilikini"
> > >> > wrote:
> > >> >(Oh, and by the way, I'm in agreement with you on "Southern" potato
> > >> >salad.
> > >> >It's terrible. ?I, too, live in Florida.)
> > >> What makes it "southern"?
> > >Onions! �Blech!
> > Do you dislike onions or is this like me saying ketchup doesn't belong
> > on a hot dog?
> > Lou
> <SNIP>
> And ketchup doesn't belong on a hot dog, not ever.... in fact the ONLY
> thing belongs on a hot dog is mustard and kraut (not mustard or kraut
> - mustard AND kraut). Â*But very few these days have ever eaten a hot
> dog, I strongly suspect you've never... unless it is a natural casing
> product it is NOT a hot dog, no way, no how... it's just a no account
> weenie, and with that tube steak crap you can smother it with
> whatever, fried cornmeal batter, chili, onion sauce, ketchup,
> whatever, anything to hide its crapiness. Â*Hebrew National makes all
> beef tube steak but they've never made a hot dog/frankfurter.
> You have obviously never had a Chili Cheese dog from The Original Tommy's in
> the LA area.
I wouldn't want to, the concept is an oxymoron. I've tried chili
dogs, it's how to dispose of bad hot dogs and bad chili all in one
fell swoop... a ridiculous combination, no different from a turkey and
sardine sandwich.
> http://www.originaltommys.com/
> IMHO it is an exception Â*to your hot dog rule.
> I know they are famus forr their burgers but their doga have a narural skin
> and snap when you bite into them.
I very seriously doubt they serve natural casing hot dogs, they
probably use cheap collagen casing, those are machine made faster than
the human eye can see. Very few provisioners make natural casing hot
dogs anymore, those unblemished casings are expensive and they need to
be hand stuffed, it's labor intensive, and there's a lot of
breakage... they cost too much, few people will pay USDA Choice
porterhouse price for a hot dog. I read through their entire web
site, every word. There is no mention of any hot dog except here, and
says nothing other than they offer them, more like an aside, not like
they are famous for hot dogs, not even a picture of a hot dog anywhere
on their web site.
The picture of their burger looks disgusting. I wouldn't call that
any kind of burger, it's a whole lot of other stuff wrapped around
what appears to be a way over cooked mystery meat patty no thicker
than a twenty five cent piece... they should be embarrassed to post
that image, it barely looks edible... Big Mac images look more like a
burger and they're pretty awful representations of what a real burger
is. A Tommy burger looks like the very worst fast food burger ever
made... White Castle at least doesn't pretend to be something it's
I lived in southern CA for five years, there was not one eatery with
close to decent food in all of LA County, it's all as fake as tinsel
town, it's where most of the fast food joints originated... those
people actually think a freedom dip is a sandwich (it's cheap
overcooked mystery meat between cheap bread sopping with extra salty
bouillion cube brine... it's about as close to slopping hogs as it
gets). From what I've discussed with NY foodies who have lived there
for years or travel there all the time and have been there recently
I'm sure if anything the quality has progressively deteriorated. Back
in the '60s there were a small number of pretty decent Mexican style
joints in San Diego (LA'a Olivera St. food sucked, a pure tourista
trap) and LA's China town was sleazy and its restaurants barely
passable, but that's all there was because the Chinese take out hadn't
been invented yet. San Fran's China town was a bit better, still not
memorable in any good way. San Fran hasn't very high quality
eateries of any type, only very high prices and a lot of *kitsch*,
Frisco's eateries have been over hyped for so long that the TIADers
tend to believe... very few are going to spend that kind of money on a
meal and then tell each other they got ripped off (to understand folks
gotta read The Emporer's New Clothes). San Fran's best seafood
eateries don't hold a candle to ordinary seafood joints in Vancouver.
In fact most any ordinary eatery in Canada's major cities is far
better than California's best... nowadays, in most venues, culinarily
Canada even put's NYC to shame. NY's China Town has for many years
now sucked big time... so has Little Italy deteriorated to just barely
above Chef Boyardee level... Angelo's, on the corner of Mott and
Hester for like forever is now selling in jars on the net. Toronto
has a wonderful China Town. And if ever I get a yen for good kosher
deli, rather than head south to NYC I'd rather go north twice the
distance to Montreal.
Just because someone lives someplace is no excuse for being biased,
and I'm not. NYC still has the best bagels, but not much else, not
anymore... and NYC bagels are only a mere shadow of their former
self... can't even get a decent soft pretzel anymore and you need a
mortgage to buy what's just a small hunk of bread with salt... when I
was a kid they were twice the size, ten times as tasty, and two cents
apiece or three for a nickle. Decent restaurants are closing up left
right and center, I'm learning that even within the short five years
I've not been to Lung Guyland many of my favorite eateries there have
disappeared, and not been replaced with anything nearly the same... my
very favorite Chinese restaurant that was family run at the same
location some forty years closed up, the owner retired... the building
is now some sort of Puerto Rican born-again tabernacle so I've been
told... a poster here just yesterday informed me that my favorite
burger joint is kaput.
Where anything food is concerned I've not in my life time seen any
improvements, none.... only steady and unwaivering decline.
None of the younger posters here have ever tasted any good food or
drink, none of us ever will again. I don't care who doesn't believe
me. I ain't swayed by kitsch, I don't view the world through rose
colored glasses, and I'm never gonna insist something is great when
it's not just because it's from where I live.
Sabrett makes two types of hot dog, the collagen type is what folks
buy from the street venders, they are sold at retail markets for about
the same price as Oscar Mayer, Ball Park, and that ilk. They also
sell natural casing hot dogs, there are very few stupidmarkets that
carry them and the last I looked they cost like $8/lb.. occasionally
I'll buy a pack (each pack is individually weighed and priced) they
are excellent, and they use a different recipe too. You can buy them
on line but you don't want to know the shipping charges... one place
has some chutzpa, it charges $82 minimum per order... that's not a
typo, $82!
There really is a synonym for TIAD...
: something that appeals to popular or lowbrow taste and is often of
poor quality