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Default Granola Bar Advice

PickyJaz > wrote in news:62ad002f-17a1-4f37-8590-

> Over the weekend (instead of Nancy's wonderful sounding Carrot Cake
> Cookies I will make another day) I made granola bars for the first
> time. I used the recipe below (with my adds in parenths) and although
> the mix was absolutely delicious, there seemed no way for the "bars"
> to be. I ended up with the mixture somewhat sticking together, though
> having to be scraped out of the dish, and ending up with spoon-feed
> crumbles. Overall recipe ease and finished flavor was outstanding,
> something I would like to make many times.
> Please, any ideas on what I could do differently so that this crumble
> does come out of the dish in one slab that can be cut into bars that
> hold together? I've thought of parchment lining the dish so as to
> pull the mix out, but that idea does not give me assurance I'll be
> able to have a bar result either.
> Granola Bars Recipe courtesy Alton Brown, 2005 Good Eats, Power
> Trip
> 8 ounces old-fashioned rolled oats, approximately 2 cups
> 1.5 ounces raw sunflower seeds, approximately 1/2 cup
> 3 ounces sliced almonds, approximately 1 cup
> 1.5 ounces wheat germ, approximately 1/2 cup
> 6 ounces honey, approximately 1/2 cup
> 1.75 ounces dark brown sugar, approximately 1/4 cup packed
> 1-ounce unsalted butter, plus extra for pan
> 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
> 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
> 6.5 ounces chopped dried fruit, any combination of apricots, cherries
> or blueberries (Yes, but 8 oz. all, along with dried raspberries &
> cranberries.)
> Butter a 9 by 9-inch glass baking dish and set aside. Preheat the
> oven to 350 degrees F. (Butter-Pam 7x11” Pyrex)
> Spread the oats, sunflower seeds, almonds, and wheat germ onto a half-
> sheet pan. Place in the oven and toast for 15 minutes, stirring
> occasionally.
> In the meantime, combine the honey, brown sugar, butter, extract and
> salt in a medium saucepan and place over medium heat. Cook until the
> brown sugar has completely dissolved.
> Once the oat mixture is done, remove it from the oven and reduce the
> heat to 300 degrees F. Immediately add the oat mixture to the liquid
> mixture, add the dried fruit, and stir to combine. Turn mixture out
> into the prepared baking dish and press down, evenly distributing the
> mixture in the dish (cover with wax paper & press all in) and place in
> the oven to bake for 25 minutes. Remove from the oven and allow to
> cool completely. Cut into squares and store in an airtight container
> for up to a week.

line your baking dish with greased foil or some such to prevent sticking.
Let the pan sit in the fridge overnight before cutting...


The house of the burning beet-Alan