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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Plastic containers for leftovers

On Jul 22, 8:45�pm, "Cheryl" > wrote:
> "koko" > wrote in message
> ...
> > I've had it with Glad and Ziploc cheesy plastic containers for
> > leftovers. The lids crack and break before the bottoms give up and
> > then you have bottoms with no lids blah...blah...

> > I have been gradually replacing them with Snapware, and Rubbermaid
> > Takealongs containers.
> > Today I cleaned out the cupboard I keep the lids and containers in,
> > and this is what I'm left with besides what is in the fridge. The
> > denture cup I snagged from the hospital when Stan was in a few years
> > ago. I really like that one, it doesn't leak and it's the perfect size
> > for taking yogurt to work. I also have one that says speciman, it's
> > leak proof also. ;-)
> >

> > I hate the little round Glad containers with the interlocking lids. I
> > like to take peanut butter to work and made the mistake of using one
> > of these. The inside of the lid is recessed where the letters are and
> > the peanut butter nestled into the nooks and crannies. I've washed in
> > hot water and even taken a toothbrush to it. Looks like I'm going to
> > have to take a toothpick to clean the damned thing out.
> >

> > I have more than I really need but it seems the last few shopping
> > trips I've found myself in the container aisle.

> > Now on to the junk drawer. NO!!! I'm not photographing that.

> I have that Smart Spin storage set but they aren't as good as I thought
> they'd be. I liked the idea that the lids are all the same size and the
> containers have 3 different capacities and they stack and save space and
> have a rack that spins to store them. �HOWEVER, the plastic on the lids
> cracks easily and even the containers don't stand up to freezing and nuking
> as well as the commercials say. �Plus, they stain and are hard to clean even
> in the dishwasher

I buy the store brand clones of zip-loc etal. plastic containers. I
mostly use them to freeze my veggie crop. They last a very long time
through many dishwasher cycles. The lids are a different plastic, a
bit more brittle, but I discovered the secret, don't attmept to remove
the lid while the contents is still frozen solid, then it won't
break. Another good container is those that butter ball shaved type
turkey/ham is packaged... it's pretty crappy as far as cold cuts go
but often they are on sale for cheap (3/$1) so I'll buy a few, but
this is only like twice a year. Those plastic containers are thin but
really strong, I think they're worth more than the crappy stuff that
came in it.