The Cook wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Jul 2008 16:05:42 +0100, "Ophelia" >
> wrote:
>> sf wrote:
>>> On Tue, 22 Jul 2008 09:23:56 +0100, "Ophelia" >
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>> Giusi wrote:
>>>>>> They are reluctant to touch their food. Even a little bar
>>>>>> sandwich snack is wrapped in two napkins to eat. The first time
>>>>>> I served cheeseburgers they were disassembled into parts and
>>>>>> eaten with fork and knife. I think it is considered childish
>>>>>> and a far la brutta figura to use the hands.
>>>>> When we have European visitors I always like to serve corn on the
>>>>> cob :-)
>>>> But we have wee holders you know <g> Like wee forks that stick
>>>> into the ends with which to pick up the corn.
>>> So, you guys have those over there? How much corn on the cob do you
>>> really eat? Fess up, girl!
>> Heh, I have two in the fridge at this very moment. I must tell you
>> that I cannot remember the last time I had any though. Possibly it
>> was this thread that prompted me to buy them
> For corn on the cob to be any good, it must be eaten within 24 hours
> of picking.
Oh dear. Must I throw them away? I have no idea when they were picked