Thread: Potato salad...
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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Potato salad...

Lou Decruss > wrote:

>On Wed, 23 Jul 2008 19:24:35 +0000 (UTC),

>>After the second world war, the combination of a huge Allied
>>(primarily US Navy) occupying force in Naples and tight control
>>of the city by local organized crime results in a situation
>>where a large fraction of the women in the city (close to half)
>>were forced into prostitution.

>>It was not exactly the U.S. military's proudest moment.

>It's already happening in Iraq. I was reading an article in the
>current Marie Claire about Iraqi women who have fled to Amman Jordan
>and are now prostitutes. It's a pretty disturbing article.

Good for Marie Claire for reporting this story.

History repeats itself; in the aftermath of World War II, it
was Vogue that reported on some of this stuff going on that
the rest of the media wouldn't touch.
