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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Plastic containers for leftovers

On Wed 23 Jul 2008 05:57:42p, koko told us...

> On Wed, 23 Jul 2008 04:35:23 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> > wrote:
>>On Tue 22 Jul 2008 09:28:52p, Melba's Jammin' told us...
>>> In article >, koko
>>> > wrote:
>>>> I've had it with Glad and Ziploc cheesy plastic containers for
>>>> leftovers. The lids crack and break before the bottoms give up and
>>>> then you have bottoms with no lids blah...blah...
>>>> I have been gradually replacing them with Snapware, and Rubbermaid
>>>> Takealongs containers.
>>>> koko
>>>> There is no love more sincere than the love of food
>>>> George Bernard Shaw
>>> Ever consider using glass jars? Slicker'n snot.

>>I love glass jars, pints, quarts, and the french snap lid canning jars.
>>Also, the new repros of glass refrigerator storage containers, mostly
>>square. They sanitize well and are microwave safe for reheating. for

>>Ball type canning jars, I bought both the standard and widemouth plastic
>>screw on lids for storing foodstuff.

> I would buy the square ones in a heartbeat. I have an old, old Pyrex
> one that I love.
> kokol

Koko, these are like the ones I bought. Note the small print links for the
other sizes.

Wayne Boatwright
Wednesday, 07(VII)/23(XXIII)/08(MMVIII)
How come you never see a politician
laugh? Because they know what they're
getting away with, and if they started
laughing, they'd never stop.