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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default ping: Andy (no brekky?)

On Wed 23 Jul 2008 09:02:19p, told us...

> On Wed, 23 Jul 2008 21:22:27 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>>Gee, I am so used to the daily brekky thing. I am missing it. I
>>was gonna speak of my absolutely vile brekky.... The chipotle cheddar
>>sausage of the previous day was sooooo much better.

> Andy probably won't do another daily cartoon type thing again (not
> speaking for him, just my opinion).... but the masses can take up the
> gauntlet and run with the daily breakfast, for FWIW. I'm pretty sure
> he won't ask for royalties.
> In rfc (or maybe all of usenet) for every person who has a good idea,
> like Andy's daily comic and now daily breakfast, there are a vocal few
> who denigrate the idea (but won't KF the subject - just because they
> are assholes), which ruins it for the rest of us who like the concept.
> AFAIC those who ridicule are just jealous because they didn't think of
> it first.... why would they bother reading on a continual basis unless
> they wished they were getting the credit?
> Me? I'm not a breakfast... or lunch person. Maybe in the future.
> I'll eat it if I'm served or I'm requested to make it, but I don't
> initiate breakfast on my own.

I don't like having breakfast at home on workdays. I arrive at work early
and enjoy having something at my desk as I start the workday. It will
usually be a toasted bagel with cream cheese, or rye or multigrain toast
with jam. Along with that, a very tall iced decaf coffee with cream.

FWIW, I really enjoyed Andy's COTDs. The Brekky thing left me cold, as
most of what he wrote about was enough to gag me. Still, I didn't
criticize or comment on it.

Wayne Boatwright
Wednesday, 07(VII)/23(XXIII)/08(MMVIII)
Tact is for weenies.