On Thu, 24 Jul 2008 00:14:53 -0400, "Nancy Young" >
>Goomba wrote:
>> Did anyone else catch this on the CBS early show today? This morning I
>> was up early and caught this piece on the early morning news show. I
>> was shouting at the TV (as if the woman featured would hear me
>> herself) because of the stupidity this woman's story displayed as she
>> spoke of buying double the quantity needed and then throwing half the
>> food away afraid it was bad.
>If she knows she has this issue, then buying double isn't working for
>her. Either get over this fear of 3 day old produce or start buying
>frozen, or learning how to freeze produce.
>Maybe if she stopped to think the produce is already a few days old,
>to say the least, in the store, she can see she's being silly and to get
>over her little phobia.
>> She displayed broccoli and said she
>> would cook half that night, and the rest would be thrown away in two
>> days if not cooked and eaten by then. No mention of actually looking
>> at each item to determine if it had gone bad...just the false
>> assumption it might be bad so toss it out! What a ditz.
>I saw something about even supermarkets are trying to buy in smaller
>quantities so they don't have to toss so much produce.
still, i wish some of the pre-packaged stuff came in smaller amounts.
(i cook mostly for one.) thank god for the bulk items! (my grocery
recently stopped selling loose mushrooms, which ****ed me off.)
your pal,
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