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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default More bucks than brains

Kathleen wrote:

> Yes, but if it doesn't pass the sniff test, do you then attempt to
> invoke the Courtesy Sniff rule?
> "Ew! This stinks! Smell it!"

Yep. Like my whipping cream this morning. It had been opened for close
to three weeks and I figured I had better use it up. I was going to
make a batch of ice cream. I was about to pour it into the pan when I
noticed the smell and texture. Yech. It had turned. I felt bad enough
about dumping 2 pints of whipping cream. I can't imagine buying a
bunch of steaks and throwing them out two days later because they had
not been cooked. I would have put them in the freezer after a day or