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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default "Sweetbuck" fries???????

On Thu 24 Jul 2008 10:42:04a, Ophelia told us...

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Thu 24 Jul 2008 10:10:24a, Lynn from Fargo told us...
>>> They're on the menu at TGI Friday''s but only as a side with certain
>>> entrees. You can order them separately though. I can't figure out
>>> what you're supposed to dunk 'em in so I leave 'em nekkid.
>>> Lynn in Fargo

>> If you feel the need for something to dunk them in, sour cream is
>> good. I think anything else messes with the sweet potato flavor.

> The only way we have eaten sweet potatos is baked with butter. I would
> like to have some (non sweet) recipes for it.

Not recipes, per se, Ophelia, but you can substitute them for white
potatoes in potatoes au gratin or similar dishes. They are also good
cooked in chunks when added to a roast or stew. They make a good mash,
too, as you would with white potatoes. Unfortunately, many folks in the US
add a ton of sugar or brown sugar to their mashed sweet potatoes.

There is only one way I enjoy then sweetened, and that is in candied sweet

Wayne Boatwright
Thursday, 07(VII)/24(XXIV)/08(MMVIII)
'How was I supposed to know he was
from outer space?'