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Arri London Arri London is offline
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Default More bucks than brains

Goomba wrote:
> Did anyone else catch this on the CBS early show today? This morning I
> was up early and caught this piece on the early morning news show. I was
> shouting at the TV (as if the woman featured would hear me herself)
> because of the stupidity this woman's story displayed as she spoke of
> buying double the quantity needed and then throwing half the food away
> afraid it was bad. She displayed broccoli and said she would cook half
> that night, and the rest would be thrown away in two days if not cooked
> and eaten by then. No mention of actually looking at each item to
> determine if it had gone bad...just the false assumption it might be bad
> so toss it out! What a ditz.

We switched off before that, but there have been local stories regarding
the same issue. It's so easy to buy/cook the correct amount without
throwing food away. Doesn't take a lot of brain power or time or