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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Breakfast Try Outs!

Andy wrote:
> Breakfast Try Outs!
> Two 1/4 lb. dinner hot dogs with yellow mustard tucked into a mini baked loaf
> of Pepperidge Farm "artisan" rosemary bread and a tall glass of ice water.
> Couldn't finish it! Too much bread me thinks, too crunchy too! What WAS I
> thinking?
> Breakfast hot dog mismanagement.
> You?
> Andy

In a similar vein... One chipotle-cheese sausage rolled in half
of a LC pita bread, with some smoky harissa hummus and fried
peppers. (Yeah, I am mixing up areas a bit, so shoot me--it was
actually good.)

And Andy, about that bread issue... I very recently discovered
that although I tried the pita thing because I am eating LC, I
actually prefer it to the traditional bun precisely because it is
less bready, so the flavors of the sausages an accoutrements are
not so overpowered. The only problem is toasting the bread. It
seems one would have to do that after rolling everything up.
Frying would make the exterior greasy (but then we live through
that with grilled cheese). Maybe baking if we wanted to crisp the
bread up a bit?

Jean B.