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Goomba[_2_] Goomba[_2_] is offline
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Default (2008-07-25) NS-RFC: 'Dressing up' for supermarket shopping?

Kate Connally wrote:
> ChattyCathy wrote:
>> Thanks go to Andy for suggesting (most of) this survey...

> Never. Never have. Never will.
> Unless you call changing out of my pajamas
> into regular clothes dressing up. ;-)
> Can't imagine why anyone would. I don't
> exactly go with curlers in my hair but that's only
> because I don't use curlers anymore. Used to though.
> Kate

It is guaranteed that if I don't make myself look presentable, I'll run
into everyone and their uncle who I'd rather not see me looking shabby
and I'll feel uncomfortable. I'd rather make the small effort to put
myself together and I feel in return I also get a better response from

When I was newlywed, even going to the military commissary was an event
as I would wear a dress for work that day and go shopping from there.
Jeans or althletic wear were not allowed in at that time, and for men,
no tee shirts unless they had a pocket. Nowadays anything goes, but then
they had set minimum standards. I also was married at a youngish age to
an older man well established in military and might run into some of his
soldiers and families so wanted to look appropriate.