James Silverton wrote:
> Kate wrote on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 14:17:28 -0400:
>> ChattyCathy wrote:
>>> http://www.recfoodcooking.com
>> Never. Never have. Never will.
>> Unless you call changing out of my pajamas
>> into regular clothes dressing up. ;-)
>> Can't imagine why anyone would. I don't
>> exactly go with curlers in my hair but that's only
>> because I don't use curlers anymore. Used to though.
> Since I don't sit around in my underwear, I wear exactly the same
> things to go shopping. I was surprised that "sometimes" beat "never"!
It doesn't surprise me. I'm more of a slob around the house than
I am in public. Doesn't mean I dress up. Just my tshirt isn't the
same one I just sweated up while weeding the flower beds. And it
doesn't clash with my shorts. What can I say.