Can't afford to buy meat
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Orlando Enrique Fiol
external usenet poster
Posts: 886
Can't afford to buy meat
>While those two women are shockingly fat, they are an expression of
>everything currently worrying the US. They are not educated for the current
>work situation, they probably eat too much trashy food and don't know any
>better, their entertainment is passive, they are not served by public
>transport in spite of living in the projects-- whose great idea would that
>have been?-- and most of all everything is someone else's fault.
Yeah! Whose bright idea was it to build projects in areas where their
inhabitants would have to afford cars just to get to work? In India,
slums are often erected near factories and even affluent neighborhoods
to facilitate worker proximity to jobs. We tend not to plan ahead when
it comes to common sense. The less we pay our workers, the worse they'll
eat, the more they'll seek mind numbing entertainment as escapes, the
more they'll take out their frustrations on each other and on society at
large through random acts of violence, and the more of a medical burden
on the State they will become. Saving a few bucks in salaries, insurance
and taxes isn't worth all these social ills.
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Orlando Enrique Fiol
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