Can't afford to buy meat
On Jul 26, 3:54 am, Billy <Hereiam@hotmaildotcom> wrote:
> On Sat, 26 Jul 2008 07:44:28 GMT, Orlando Enrique Fiol
> > wrote:
> >Yeah! Whose bright idea was it to build projects in areas where their
> >inhabitants would have to afford cars just to get to work?
> If the United States of America is such a MISERABLE place to live and
> exist, why do so many want to live her. You make India sound
> like Xanadu! By the way, it isn't.
If you don't notice, more and more people are choosing not to come to
US and among those who do come, more nd more are hear to just work (in
IT) and go back. I recently met an Indian in his 40s, who worked in
Nigeria for 3 years (in IT) and then got sponsored by an IT
consulting firm (Indian firm of course) to come to US and working a
contract job with a state agency. His plan is to work and go back.
His wife and daughter are not here. This the new ways of life in this
global age these days. I feel like going all over the world myself
only if I do not have the kind of Rhinitis I have. Damn..