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aem aem is offline
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Default Heathy but tasty spinach

On Jul 26, 11:19 am, Steve Y > wrote:
> I'm told that spinach is good for me but I am struggling to find a way
> to prepare it that I enjoy. Just h ad some straight from the garden
> that I wilted in a wok in some oil in which I'd lightly sauted some
> ginger and garlic. Result was OK but not interesting. Anyone have any
> ideas for ways of preparing it that could be considered both tasty and
> healthy (ie no cream/cheese)

1. Cook bacon, add minced garlic and spinach, cook till shiny and
just wilted and remove to bowl. Add red wine vinegar and an optional
touch of sugar to bacon fat, swirl around, dress spinach with it.
Optional: sliced hard-cooked eggs.

2. Raw, torn up, in salad.

3. Jade soup. Parboil 12-20 fresh spinach leaves 30-60 seconds,
drain, squeeze as dry as possible, chop well. Bring 4 cups chicken
stock to boil with 1 TB sherry. While that's heating, mince a chicken
breast, sprinkle it with cornstarch and season with salt, mix
together. (Nowadays you can buy ground chicken but I don't know if
it's any good. Mincing a breast yourself is not difficult; with
practice you can use two knives or cleavers to make quick work of
it.) Whip 2 egg whites until stiff, then mix the chicken into the egg
whites. When stock boils, add spinach, then egg white/chicken
mixture. Taste for salt. Serve as soon as chicken is cooked, 2 to 5
minutes. -aem