Can't afford to buy meat!!
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Orlando Enrique Fiol
external usenet poster
Posts: 886
Can't afford to buy meat!!
>I don't think that people are chastising them for not working and for being too
>fat. They are chastising them for their lame excuses. The mother blames it on a
>car accident that left her depressed and disabled. She was 23 at the time of the
>accident, but never finished high school or worked before that time.
Because her husband worked. Are women now wrong for opting to be
housewives when their husbands work?
>Then they claim that it is like Biafra or Ethiopia.
They never said anything of the sort in the NPR story.
>The daughter blames the economy for her not being able to find a job. She said she never had trouble finding jobs
Is she alone? Are not many sectors of our work force finding it hard to
work in this economy?
>Since she had had a number of jobs it seems that she also has trouble
>keeping a job.
I'm sure that her poverty, lack of education, poor diet, lack of
transportation and depression all add up to a self esteem destroying
brew. Got any alternatives for her besides putdowns?
>Giving these women subsidized housing, welfare and food stamps has done them no
>good. Maybe if the state is expected to care for them they should be doing
>something more useful. Perhaps the women would be better off if they were
>institutionalized, given education and put on a strict diet.
I might go along with that if it were humane. But, people like you
probably wouldn't want to fund it.
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Orlando Enrique Fiol
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