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Orlando Enrique Fiol Orlando Enrique Fiol is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 886
Default Can't afford to buy meat!!

n wrote:
>Interesting comments, Orlando.


>People should be educated about nutrition before they try a vegetarian
>diet, at least on children. I am concerned about the rapid growth and
>development of their bones and muscles.

Plenty of Indian children grow up without ever seeing, much less
consuming meat.

>Wednesday night, while staying at a hotel, I watched a show called Baby
>Borrowers (I think that is the name). Young couples who are
>20-something, borrow people's children to find out what it is like to be
>a parent. One mother had two boys who were vegetarians, and she told
>the borrowers, "Just cook whatever you want, they will not eat the meat,
>but they will eat the vegetables and the potatoes." These children
>needed to get some protein from beans, peas, whole grains, nuts, seeds,
>eggs and dairy products (unless they are vegan).

I bet those temporary parents didn't know all that.

>My youngest son would not eat meat, and I did not worry about him if he
>spent the night with a friend, but if he was gone for a few days, I
>would be concerned about his nutrition. He is 6' 2", so he grew up okay.

Congratulations on an excellent job!
