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Cheryl[_4_] Cheryl[_4_] is offline
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Posts: 104
Default Ain't Love Grand?

"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
. ..
> Cheryl wrote:
>> steroids created another set of problems. I don't know what is worse
>> -- what the steroids did, or the pain I had in the other three
>> surgeries with just Motrin and Tylenol 3.

> Oh, no, I hope you didn't have as bad a time as I did with
> steriods. Talk about the cure being worse than the ailment.
> I hope your surgery went well, at least.
> nancy

I think so. thanks Nancy. Stitches are still in so I can only base it on the
other three. But man, a few hours after taking the Medrol pak dose (I'm on
day 3) my breathing is shallow, can't see well, and the headache from hell
that still hasn't gone away. I would quit taking it but I have no pain in
my mouth (huge plus) and it says not to discontinue without talking to the
doc. And it's Saturday. The side effects go away other than the headache
but at the time they start it is scary.

What did the steroids do to you?