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Food-TV anomalies
MG said...
> "T" > wrote in message
> . ..
>> In article >,
>> says...
>>> "Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
>>> > Food-TV anomalies!
>>> >>
>>> > And Jamie Oliver calling pasta "PAST Ah" and "Parme Zan"?
>>> >
>>> uh, because that's how an Italian pronounces the word - pasta - ...and
>>> worked with a number of Italian chefs during his training
>>> MG
>> Dunno, around here it's more pahstah. The way Oliver says it comes out
>> with short a's. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
> nope, it's the short -ah, not -aaaaaaah :-)
Can we have linguinne yet?!? With pesto? Maybe?
Sorry to hurry the conversation along.