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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default Can't afford to buy meat!!

On Sun, 27 Jul 2008 03:08:16 GMT, Orlando Enrique Fiol
> wrote:

>sf wrote:
>>Not only that, the entire community needs to be aware of what's
>>happening and participate in the process.

>That takes some doing when people have been socialized not to
>participate in any civic processes.
>>However, IME well stocked supermarkets come and go in high crime
>>areas. If they can't make a profit, they're gone. Grocery stores
>>operate on an unbelievably low profit margin.... it was something like
>>1% the last time I was heard someone knowledgeable talk about the

>Which is why they need to be subsidized.

I can't agree with that. We're basically subsiding big business and
agriculture as it is now with the tax breaks they get. Maybe a
Walmart type "incentive" would work for me, but I have such a sour
taste in my mouth about the way big business uses tax breaks.... I'd
probably vote against that.

>We're subsidizing a now
>pointless and bungled war in Iraq. It would cost much less to subsidize
>some grocery stores to stay open in neighborhoods that need them most.

Don't even get me started! We could construct or maintain schools and
hospitals, fill POTHOLES in the streets (they swallow trucks in NYC),
improve mass transportation, upgrade and maintain our national
infrastructure, and pay close attention to our public parks (national,
state, local) with that money.


I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West