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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Can't afford to buy meat!!

On Jul 26, 4:12�pm, (Steve Pope) wrote:
> Sheldon > wrote:
> >Thinking vegetarian fare is less costly is a myth... anyone who thinks
> >fresh fruits and vegetables cost less than meat hasn't been to the
> >produce section recently. �It costs less to eat meat, so long as one
> >is not thinking rib roast, t-bone, spare ribs, lobster, and wild
> >salmon is the only meat. �The simple fact is that many common fresh
> >fruits and vegetables cost more by two and three times than the more
> >healthful (leaner) meat cuts. �Consider that the more nutritious fresh
> >fruits and vegetables are mostly water, therefore to consume enough to
> >feel sated will cost significantly more than consuming a more balanced
> >menu of say round steak stretched with starchy vegetables (like
> >legumes) and using smaller amounts of the more nutritious but much
> >pricier �fresh produce (like red bell pepper). �

> I think Sheldon's right; the cheapest possible factory meat in the
> U.S. is very cheap relative to its food value. �The problem is, you
> don't want to eat it, whether you are carnivore or vegetarian. �It's
> laden with hormones, antibiotics, purines and pesticides. �Give my
> share to the NPR interviewees please, but don't send it to the third
> world where it will create a bad international image for America.
> Steve

That's not true, there are no more additives in meat than in
vegetables, actually less in meat, especially relative to amounts
consumed... the average person consumes far more vegetable products
than animal products. And you only think there is such a thing as
organic food, that's the biggest food myth of all.