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Shanghai McCoy[_2_] Shanghai McCoy[_2_] is offline
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Default Food-TV anomalies

George Shirley wrote:
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Sat 26 Jul 2008 02:42:09p, Becca told us...
>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>> Only one comment... Will "BAM!" become passé? I dunno, but it
>>>> will always be *stupid*. "BAM!" should have been the sound you
>>>> heard when

>> the
>>>> bomb implanted in Emeril's brain exploded!
>>> It has been over a year since I watched the Food network, but I did
>>> catch a glimpse of Emeril on television. He has gained weight.

>> Gained weight? He's blown up like a Macy's Thanksgiving Day baloon!
>>> In May, I was in New Orleans and I saw Paul Prudhomme on his scooter,
>>> he was walking his little schnauzer. I would have never asked what
>>> was wrong, but he is soooo thin.

>> I hope he's not seriously ill. I'm very fond of Paul Prodhomme.
>>> Boy, have these two chefs changed over the years. Hah, I guess we all

>> have.
>>> Becca


> I'm still seriously ****ed at Paul Prudhomme for starting that damned
> blackened redfish thing. Got so bad the commercial fisherman nearly
> killed off the redfish population in the Gulf. Blackened redfish is the
> only way you can eat a really large, breeding age redfish as the flesh
> is generally wormy, stringy, and really strong tasting. Only the females
> grow to very large size so harvesting them for food is just silly.
> In my lifetime I have caught several redfish (red drum, aka channel bass
> in the Carolinas)over fifty lbs. Alway released them to go away and get
> caught another day. Pooh on Paul Prudhomme, I don't wish him ill but do
> wish he had never invented that dish.

My sentiments exactly, George. One day my favorite spot has huge reds
stacked like firewood, the next day the purse-seine boats have nearly
destroyed the breeding population for Chef Prudhomme's recipe. To make
matters worse, the politicians get involved and slap restrictions on the
recreational fisherman. Although the redfish population has recovered,
we're still restricted to 'slot' (18-27 inches) reds in Florida...