Excellent Quiche Recipe!
MaryL wrote:
> Uh...oh, then I'd better not try it. (My lack of cooking skills is
> showing again.) I do love quiche, though, and would like a recipe for a
> good *crustless* one that will retain its shape.
I think you might love a Spanish tortilla (like a frittata, but from
Spain). I'm eating one right now. Here's what I do:
1) In an oven-safe frying pan, cook onions, potatoes, and whatever other
veggies you want (mushrooms? peppers?) in olive oil until they're soft
enough to eat but not mushy. My mom adds meats -- ham, etc. -- but I
don't like that. Set the veggies off the heat while you prepare the eggs.
2) While the veggies are cooling, beat eggs in a bowl. For my smaller
frying pan, I use 6 eggs; for the big one, usually 9 or 10.
3) Add cheese to the eggs. I usually use grated or shredded parmesan,
1/2 to 1 cup, but any grated cheese will do.
4) Add the still-warm veggies to the egg mixture and mix it all
together. Now, in the same pan you cooked the veggies in, add a bunch
more olive oil and heat the oil for a minute. Then add the egg mixture
all at once.
5) Cook on low heat without disturbing until the bottom is golden brown
and the top has started to set, around 20 minutes, then stick the whole
thing under the broiler for a few minutes until the top is golden brown
as well. (Some people flip the thing out onto a plate, put it back in
the pan, and fry the other side, but that's too much trouble for me.)
6) Cut into wedges and serve.
When we lived in Spain, we must have eaten this three times a week for
four years, and I never got tired of it. My favorite is to make enough
for leftovers, and then eat it cold with lots of salt the next day.
"I think I have an umami receptor that has developed sentience." -- Stef