Excellent Quiche Recipe!
"Serene Vannoy" > wrote in message
> MaryL wrote:
>> Uh...oh, then I'd better not try it. (My lack of cooking skills is
>> showing again.) I do love quiche, though, and would like a recipe for a
>> good *crustless* one that will retain its shape.
> I think you might love a Spanish tortilla (like a frittata, but from
> Spain). I'm eating one right now. Here's what I do:
> 1) In an oven-safe frying pan, cook onions, potatoes, and whatever other
> veggies you want (mushrooms? peppers?) in olive oil until they're soft
> enough to eat but not mushy. My mom adds meats -- ham, etc. -- but I don't
> like that. Set the veggies off the heat while you prepare the eggs.
> 2) While the veggies are cooling, beat eggs in a bowl. For my smaller
> frying pan, I use 6 eggs; for the big one, usually 9 or 10.
> 3) Add cheese to the eggs. I usually use grated or shredded parmesan, 1/2
> to 1 cup, but any grated cheese will do.
> 4) Add the still-warm veggies to the egg mixture and mix it all together.
> Now, in the same pan you cooked the veggies in, add a bunch more olive oil
> and heat the oil for a minute. Then add the egg mixture all at once.
> 5) Cook on low heat without disturbing until the bottom is golden brown
> and the top has started to set, around 20 minutes, then stick the whole
> thing under the broiler for a few minutes until the top is golden brown as
> well. (Some people flip the thing out onto a plate, put it back in the
> pan, and fry the other side, but that's too much trouble for me.)
> 6) Cut into wedges and serve.
> When we lived in Spain, we must have eaten this three times a week for
> four years, and I never got tired of it. My favorite is to make enough for
> leftovers, and then eat it cold with lots of salt the next day.
> Serene
> --
> "I think I have an umami receptor that has developed sentience." -- Stef
It sounds well worth a try (except, no potatoes for me...but there are lots
of other veggies I can use).