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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Food-TV anomalies

Wayne Boatwright said...

> On Sun 27 Jul 2008 12:35:01p, Andy told us...
>> Wayne Boatwright said...
>>> On Sun 27 Jul 2008 08:57:03a, Billy told us...
>>>> On Sun, 27 Jul 2008 10:38:29 -0500, George Shirley
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>He's what some call a "celebrity" chef, in Fall River he was just
>>>>>another cook.
>>>> That's kind of like saying Julia Child was just a file clerk at OSS
>>>> Emergency Sea Rescue Equipment Section .
>>> Hardly. Emeril is more entertainer than chef/cook, at least on TV. He
>>> became creative in the microcosm of established New Orleans cuisine,

>>> great promoters, and a drive to propel him to stellar proportions.

> Julia
>>> Child made an intense hands-on study of French cuisine (mainly because
>>> she couldn't really cook and wanted to learn to cook to please her
>>> husband), "translated" the art of French cooking for the American

> public,
>>> and turned the course of American cooks' approach to food and cooking
>>> from "Mamie Eisenhower bland" to a far more educated palate and the
>>> inspiration to do so. PBS almost reluctantly put her on the air and

> was
>>> very unsure of what success the program might have.

>> Absolutely disagree! Julia was a good cook before the show aired.
>> Andy

> Andy, read it again. That's not what I said. Julia had become a very
> accomplished cook and baker in France before returning to the US, and had
> co-authored Mastering the Art of Frech Cooking before doing the TV show.
> She was also extremely shy in many areas. PBS was at first a bit

> because they didn't know if the show would have appeal.


Mom put on the TV and we didn't have remote control. We sat there and
absorbed it.

We didn't know her history for a decade or so.
