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Kswck Kswck is offline
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Default Can't afford to buy meat!!

"Orlando Enrique Fiol" > wrote in message
.. .
> Hereiam@hotmaildotcom wrote:
>>Bullshit......fat people make decisions to be fat.....thin people make
>>decisions to be thin.

> Your assumption is that weight is solely governed by will. If that were
> the case, most fat people would will themselves into perpetual thinness.
> Honestly, the obese spend inordinate amounts of time and energy dieting,
> working out and worrying about every morsel they eat. In some cases, fat
> people lose more weight when they stop obsessing over food and fad
> diets. More importantly, why this intense hostility against the poor and
> overweight? Judging from your comments, these Ohio women don't deserve
> any help because they're poor, undereducated and fat. Would they deserve
> more sympathy if they were equally poor and undereducated but thin?
> Orlando

Oh, please. These women are milking the system. They can't afford meat? Eat
a salad-eat 500 salads. They won't starve.
All they want are freebies-on the system. Pretty obvious.