Can't afford to buy meat!!
Dave Smith > wrote in
> Michel Boucher wrote:
>> Blaming someone for not having hope is like blaming someone for
>> having a club foot or being a pinhead conservative.
> Curiously, throwing more money at the problem seems to be what many
> people expect.
The solution might be even simpler, but let's not rule out that it may
require some funding somewhere. Look at the success of microlending in
places like Bangladesh where what we consider to be poverty here is
referred to as a lavish lifestyle (I'm kidding, but not really).
If instead of kvetching about cost, we addressed the fundamental issue, not
the symptom...but that would actually require taking your eyes off the
sacrosanct economy.
When societies such as ours are saddled with governments who hold as
virtuous idea that they must not risk any damage to the economy to benefit
society, you know you're in for a rough ride. Luckily, their cycle is
dying and sanity will prevail yet again.