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Gregory Morrow[_61_] Gregory Morrow[_61_] is offline
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Posts: 23
Default Can't afford to buy meat

Giusi wrote:

> "Sheldon" > ha scritto nel messaggio news:a6002e55-c7af-
> He's not saying the US is perfect, there is no perfect. All he's
> saying is that of all the places available more people who are
> escaping oppression choose the US first, in fact since its inception
> they always have... the oppressed fleeing to America is hardly a
> recent phenomena.
> _____________________________
> If you all read something other than the local rag and Time or Newsweek
> you'd know that all of Mediterranean Europe is being inundated with

> aliens. Services are being stretched to breaking point. Ships sink

> eyesight of Italian and Spanish shores as they struggle to get to a place
> where they can make a few bucks to send home. They are being charged

> ?1500 to get on a boat full of holes and drown. Most would like to get
> farther north and are on coastal shores because that's as far as their

> goes. Germany is packed, France is packed, Italy is packed and Spain is
> too. Steerage to America is a long time ago.
> I have not heard anyone speak of America as a bastion of freedom for
> decades. They want food and money. Free to die they can remain at home.

These illegals inundating Europe and other prosperous places are Turd World
"dirt people", which now number in the several billions in places like
Haiti, the Arab/Muzlim world, and most of Africa. They are relatively
unproductive and so useless, and so should just be allowed to die
off...especially in the case of Black Africa, which after almost 50 years of
independence and billions/trillions in aid, still remains a "hopeless case".

Or in the case of Australia, they simply send all their puir boat people
wretches to the barren Pacific aisle of Nauru, a most *excellent* place for
