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Gregory Morrow[_61_] Gregory Morrow[_61_] is offline
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Posts: 23
Default Can't afford to buy meat

Orlando Enrique Fiol wrote:

> wrote:
> >I hope Asian countries do not start modeling western nations in their
> >city planning. I like the way the poor live not far from the
> >rich. It even makes it easier to give them left over food instead
> >of throwing away.

> The other side of that reality, at least in most American cities, is
> that the poor often turn to crime when constantly bombarded with
> pressure to possess and consume without being given many legal
> opportunities to earn enough through work to make that possible. Raised
> to think they have no value if they don't have fancy bling bling, many
> become impatient with their lot and eventually resort to simply stealing
> or even killing for what they can't afford.

Actually, most of the inner - city ghetto poor are just L - A - Z - Y,
largely the result of 60's "Great Society" liberal social engineering
programs. They've become a criminal dependent class largely because of all
these hand - outs and well - intentioned programs. And then there are their
clownish "leaders" such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who are just great
big scam artists...

Not so different from most of Black Africa, which in reality is just a giant
"ghetto" that has become dependent on Western aid. They even come complete
with their own clownish "leaders", such as Mugabe, etc...

I mean, you have to try pretty hard to turn a place like Uganda, formerly
known as "The Pearl Of Africa" or Zimbabwe, which was one of the
breadbaskets of the continent, into the shite holes that they are. But they
did it...

Africa was a *much* better place under colonial rule...

