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Pennyaline[_7_] Pennyaline[_7_] is offline
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Posts: 480
Default Anti-Dr. Pepper People

Just Visiting wrote:
> Not everybody likes the same things


> but, really...Do people in this
> minority really hate Dr. Pepper THAT much? Dr. Pepper never did
> anything to them.

Well that IS a relief! I was thinking just the other day: What on earth
did Dr Pepper do to the snarling rabble at rfc that got them set against
it? But now it's clear that I was locked in unending combat with a
logical fallacy. Thanks for setting me straight.

> I'd like to see them make a soft drink as successful
> as the Dr. but I doubt that it would ever happen.

So would I. Let's both threaten to hold our breath until we die if they
don't do it!