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Orlando Enrique Fiol Orlando Enrique Fiol is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 886
Default Can't afford to buy meat!!

>Having said that, public monies should be allotted to educate poor people
>about food and food prep. It's all too easy to hand folks food stamps (and
>yes, I was a recipient for a brief period of time) without giving out basic
>food prep and nutrition information. I was stunned at the things I could
>(but didn't) purchase using food stamps. I was equally surprised to find
>things like a rotisserie chicken prepared by the supermarket or fresh or
>prepped items off the "salad bar" weren't covered even though they were
>infinitely more healthful options. Maybe the rules vary by state but this
>was my experience.

I wonder where the racket in food stamps lies. How can fresh salads and
prepared chicken be off limits, while junk food is allowed? Could it be
that the junk food industry partially pays for food stamps in order to
create addictions to their products?
