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Orlando Enrique Fiol Orlando Enrique Fiol is offline
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Posts: 886
Default Can't afford to buy meat!!

>Sadly enough, there are many people who do not and who, for reasons that elude the vast
>majority, turn to drugs and alcohol as a means to dull the pain of utter
>hopelessness. Do away with hopelessness and the drug/alcohol problem will
>be resolved in most cases.

Many drug addicts have lost hope in their lives even when they look like
they have it all. This problem often plagues the spoiled children of
wealthy families who have provided their children with every creature
comfort except genuine love and affection. For poor people, drugs often
dull hopelessness, but they also dull the hunger for love and affection.

>Blaming someone for not having hope is like blaming someone for having a
>club foot or being a pinhead conservative.

Agreed. Can we blame less and love more? I know it sounds trite, as
though all the world's problems would be magically solved if we loved
each other more fervently. But, you'd be surprised how many ills boil
down to lack of love.
