Can't afford to buy meat!!
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Orlando Enrique Fiol
external usenet poster
Posts: 886
Can't afford to buy meat!!
>Curiously, throwing more money at the problem seems to be what many people
Fiscal conservatives often like to remind us that throwing money at
certain problems won't solve them. Yet, they're fine with our current
war budget and money being thrown at religious education and faith-based
charities. What they really mean is that poor people have had money
thrown at them and it's proven not to work. In truth, many problems can
in fact be solved with money. Give people more money and they can afford
to live in better housing, eat better, etc. Of course, more money
doesn't address people's educational inadequacies or lack of values.
But, even when it comes to education, more money can mean smaller
classes taught by better teachers who are better paid and not
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Orlando Enrique Fiol
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