(2008-07-25) NS-RFC: 'Dressing up' for supermarket shopping?
On Jul 26, 2:13*am, ChattyCathy > wrote:
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> > I *never* "dress up" go to to the supermarket and, unfortunately, I still
> > look better than most of the people there. *
> Heh. I bet you look better than I do when I go out supermarket shopping too.
> <Cathy grins at Wayne>
> > Maybe I should start shopping
> > in Scottsdale or Paradise Valley. *In those areas, no matter how "dressed
> > down" they are, they still look chic.
> I have no clue about the areas you're referring to, but I would hazard a
> guess that they're very 'up-market'? If so, in the Jo'burg area Sandton
> would be similar.
Good shopping in Sandton too!
> --
> Cheers *
> Chatty Cathy
> Egg tastes better when it's not on your face...