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Nexis Nexis is offline
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Default Can't afford to buy meat!!

"Michel Boucher" > wrote in message
> Dave Smith > wrote in news:488CB21E.B63412D2
>> They did not waste the
>> little money they had on drugs and booze.

> Probably because they had hope for a better future. Sadly enough, there
> are many people who do not and who, for reasons that elude the vast
> majority, turn to drugs and alcohol as a means to dull the pain of utter
> hopelessness. Do away with hopelessness and the drug/alcohol problem will
> be resolved in most cases.
> Blaming someone for not having hope is like blaming someone for having a
> club foot or being a pinhead conservative.

There are many people who cannot fathom hope, much less live in it. People
abused the the ones who are supposed to care for them, then abused or
discarded by the system that is supposed to help them. People who are barely
surviving, much less living. Many of these people do turn to drugs and
alcohol to numb the pain, and it's not very hard to believe, or understand.
