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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default How long would the grinded ginger last if kept in airtight bottlein th fridge?

sf wrote:
> I've heard you can store ginger (peeled) in sherry, but I've never
> done it.

I've done it. I do it all the time. You may peel it, but you don't
have to.

I grate it or chop it fine in the cuisinart.
Place it in an airtight container. Sealable plastic like tupperware is
good. So is a glass jar.
Cover with sherry. Don't use the stuff sold for cooking, but anything
inexpensive from the liquor store will work.
Cover the ginger with sherry. You don't want any poking out that's not
Put the lid on, and refrigerate.

That's it. That's the whole trick. I don't know how long it lasts that
way because I've never kept track. I just use it until it's gone. That
could be months. It may be years.

I use both the sherry flavored ginger and the ginger flavored sherry.
It works in soups, salad dressings, stir-frys and baked goods.
